Meeting Room Use Policy

The Hornell Public Library has spaces available for the public to use following the Patron Code of Conduct, Library Use Policy, and the Programming Policy. The library’s Hand-Saxon Room is the only meeting room space available for use by the community for non-library sponsored or cosponsored events and must follow the guidelines of the Meeting Room Use Policy.

Hand-Saxon Room Use

The Hand-Saxon Room (H.S.R.) can be requested for use when not required for Library programs.


  • Individuals using the H.S.R. must abide by the Library Use Policy (See Section X).
  • Individuals and organizations must not bar any person on the basis of identity, including but not limited to gender, race, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation.
  • Individuals and groups must reserve the H.S.R. at least two weeks in advance of their planned use to give the Director or the Board time to review the application or to seek policy guidance from STLS.
  • The H.S.R. must be used during regular Library hours, except for Library programming.
  • H.S.R. reservations must be made for specific hours and dates. Individual or group reservations must not exceed 2 hours per week or 10 hours per month, without specific Director and/or Board of Trustees approval.
  • Individuals and groups must leave promptly when their reserved time ends.
  • No admission fees may be charged, donations solicited, or materials / services sold, with the exception of Library programs.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the H.S.R., except for water in a lidded container or at Library Director’s discretion.
  • Parties using the room will assure the room is returned to its original condition and will assume full responsibility for any damages and additional cleaning fees.
  • The “Hornell Public Library Hand-Saxon Room Use Application” (see Appendix Y) must be signed and reviewed by anyone using the room.
  • Groups cannot exceed 22 individuals.
  • To use any of the technology in the conference room, it is required to be requested on the Hornell Public Library Hand-Saxon Room Use Application. Training on all equipment being requested for use is required, along with signing equipment and internet usage agreements.
  • Use of the telephone in the conference room must be pre-approved, and all long-distance calls must be reimbursed to the Hornell Public Library.
  • The Library does not endorse the policies or beliefs of individuals or groups permitted to use the H.S.R

Please complete the Hornell Public Library Hand-Saxon Room Application form below. If you are having trouble, you can follow this link here to the Google Form.