Your library card gives you access to a wealth of information, both in the library and online! Check out the databases below for assistance with job applications, research, homework, test prep, and reliable fact finding!
Newspapers & Periodicals

Click here to view America’s News – Access the NewsBank database with your library card number. Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including The Evening Tribune/Spectator and The Leader. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Ground News

Ground News is an online resource to compare headlines across the political spectrum and spot media bias using ratings driven by data. Best of all, you can access for free from our library. Find it under “Extras” in the Libby app. Or, click this link to access:
NOVELNY and SCRLC Research & Reference Databases

Follow this link to NOVELny – NOVELny connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. Resources in the portal are available to all New Yorkers without a password as long as one is in New York State, via a NY driver or non-driver ID if not currently in New York State and/or via a Library Card. Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and more!
Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELny is a Statewide Internet Library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELny is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

OCLC FirstSearch Base Package
Click here to log in to FirstSearch with SCRLC’s URL referral. Please use this login information – Login: 100196568 Password: putt5thaw
The FirstSearch interface provides precise, simultaneous searching of the following:
- ArticleFirst: OCLC index of articles from the contents pages of journals
- ClasePeriodica: Index of Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities
- Ebooks: OCLC catalog of online electronic books available through libraries worldwide
- ECO: An OCLC collection of scholarly journals (Browse Journal Titles)
- ERIC: Journal articles and reports in education
- GPO: U.S. government publications
- MEDLINE: All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing
- OAIster: Union catalog of digital resources
- OpenAccessContent: Open access content in libraries worldwide
- PapersFirst: OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide
- Proceedings: An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings
- WorldCat: OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide
- WorldCatDissertations: A database of all dissertations and theses available in WorldCat

EBSCO Consumer Health Complete
Click here to log in to EBSCO Consumer Health Complete with SCRLC’s URL referral. Login: stls20 Password: @library1
Consumer Health Complete provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. Consumer Health Complete also offers a unique search interface designed to call attention to the full text content available from many important source-types, and to provide an intuitive means for searching this specific information. Consumer Health Complete is available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish.

EBSCO Literary Reference Center
Click here to log in to EBSCO Literary Reference Center with SCRLC’s URL referral. Login: stls20 Password: @library1
Literary Reference Center is a full-text database that provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It includes reference works, books, literary journals, and original content from EBSCO Publishing, featuring an expansive collection of author biographies, plot summaries & work overviews, full-text essays from leading publishers, literary reference books & monographs, cover-to-cover full text for literary magazines & journals, book reviews, poems from hundreds of sources, short stories, classic texts, and author interviews.
Jobs & Careers

JobNow – Follow this link to access JobNow with your library card barcode number and PIN.
JobNow provides users with a host of services to help in every step of the job search process including job searching, resume template, professional resume review, and live interview coaching.
Follow this link to O*NET OnLine – The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate career exploration, vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions, such as developing job orders and position descriptions and aligning training with current workplace needs. This is a free resource and does not require your library card number or password.

Peterson’s Test Prep – Click here to access Peterson’s Test Prep with your library card barcode number.
Prepare for standardized tests with Peterson’s Test Prep. This valuable resource includes full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, TOEFL, U.S. citizenship, and more. It offers information on undergraduate and graduate programs and tuition and scholarship assistance, as well as a resume builder and interviewing advice. Whether you’re a student planning for college or a professional embarking on a new career path, Peterson’s Test Prep can help you along the way.